Monday, January 12, 2009

Think I fell for the girl on tee-veh

I'm more or less certain this is the douchiest song to come out of the 90's but it is also my favourite so deal.

elysia: and apparently rich had cancer!!!
elysia: I KNOW
elysia: he had leukemia
chih: i know there was a huge scandal where he wrote super gross emails to some girl about anal sex
chih: no way....
elysia: WHAT?
chih: are we talking about the same person
elysia: rich from lfo?
elysia: MY RICH
chih: oh man
chih: did he recover?
chih: IS HE DEAD
elysia: no he's alive
elysia: but this was after and he was kind of fat
elysia: and he said that lfo broke up because of it
elysia: because he needed chemo
chih: hurhurhur
chih: that's sad
chih: where did you read this?
elysia: I SAW IT
elysia: on vh1
elysia: i know i may have betrayed your trust by lying about the hitchhikers
elysia: but THIS TIME i'm telling the truth


  1. HAHA poor rich...and i'll throw devin in there too because he got so ugly

  2. Can you understand my trashy crush on Devin? Seriously he is the best of the bunch. He is a) PREPARED TO WORK (aka he didn't show up in a football jersey or whatever the hell earring kid is wearing) and b) he is not cancerous.
