Thursday, January 8, 2009


Why this movie is funny...or others like it. Or why people like to wear vote for pedro t-shirts like 4 years after the movie came out and I saw one today.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. noo i haven't seen it :(. I feel like an idiot for like JUST seeing picnic at hanging rock. I need to be more with it clearly

  3. I thought there was a way to edit my comment but it just deleted it :(

    You've seen Les chansons d'amour right? I can make a post about it will legitimately be a shared Chih-Elysia interest? I was going to say that in grade 12 biology someone made a stupid Napoleon Dynamite joke and it was hilarious but I didn't know what was going on because I saw it for the first time last year.

  4. YESSS i loved les chansons d'amour...FUCK I hate Napoleon Dynamite almost as much as I hate Zack Braff's face.

  5. Would that be against the objective of this blog though!! I can't tell if we're joking anymore omg.

  6. ok i don't hate zack braff's face...i just hated garden state

  7. I hated it too, it's not Marienbad.

  8. it's like the blog is SWALLOWING US WHOLE. or i need a life. one or the other. i wonder if anyone's reading this...if so, hey guys

  9. We're not blogging it, IT'S BLOGGING US ASFAHJSF.

  10. HAHAH but to answer your question it's not against the objective...we can have JOINT interests, like fleance/bullet time/other things in life we so admire

  11. I'm making a hate list, you have inspired me.

  12. YESSSS....haha omg i love making hate lists. you know how on facebook you can make advertising banners? we should do one for this blog and inspire people, really it's just that good.

  13. YES. Except they will just throw things at me for the movies I'm about to list...
